Senin, 10 Mei 2010


It is funny how the capitalist owned media expose the lamentable state of its servant government. From coruption to breach of moral code, all exposed in a bulk of uncertainty for the good of industrial anarchy. Indonesia’s anarchy is actually static and pending to shift from mobocracy to nihilicracy, a term that the author uses to describe a situation of no values. The sole problem is that amidst the ongoing trend towards absolute relativism, the country still upholds the law of the ruling class, the law of trancendant power, and the rule of the corrupted. Anarkindo, shall gradually be achieved through the failure of each power to affirm and finally gain power in the end of battles.
The pseudo liberal-bougeoisie situation is nothing more then a transition towards the abolition of property and the rule of all masses (demokrasi massa). When the corrupted system could no more support the pressure of it’s own system, the anarkindo thinkers would cease the situation and re-establish the natural liberty bestowed upon free humans as in ancient time. Stating Rousseau, the people of Indonesia shall once again dispell the chains of dogmatism, liberal capitalism and regain it’s nature of wildness : Anarkindo. A territory of free minds, free souls and freedom itself.

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